How can education connect children with Nature?
Join Satish Kumar & Richard Dunne to explore the role education can play in supporting children and young people in times of climate crisis.
Join Satish Kumar (founder of The Resurgence Trust and Schumacher College) and Richard Dunne (Director of The Harmony Project) as they discuss and answer questions about how education can help children connect with Nature, and the role education can play in supporting children and young people in times of climate crisis.
This event is being held to mark the launch of an education pack that has been developed as a collaboration between The Harmony Project and The Resurgence Trust. The pack supports primary school teachers in delivering a learning experience which connects children to their local environment and which supports them as they reflect on how it can better be respected, protected and regenerated.
We hope to welcome at this event, not only schools leaders, teachers and other educators, and parents, but all those who are interested in the future of education and the role it can play in empowering future generations to take the lead in engaging with the environmental challenges we face.