Geometry lesson plan: How can I use reflective symmetry to draw a bee?

Explore with students the symmetry of a bee's body. This lesson plan shows you how.
This lesson plan brings to life a Geometry activity linked to the Year 2 enquiry of learning, ‘Why are bees so brilliant?‘, and can be used in conjunction with the accompanying ‘how to’ film. This activity allows you to explore with students the symmetry of a bee’s body and to learn how to name the main body parts of these fascinating creatures. The medium-term planning for the wider enquiry, which is linked to the principle of Interdependence, provides an opportunity to consider the vital role that bees play in pollination, and in supporting life on Earth as we know it.
If you are not teaching the wider enquiry of learning on bees, this lesson could equally be taught as a standalone art activity or used to introduce the concept of reflective symmetry in maths. The lesson plan itself shows how the activity can be simplified for use with younger students, and adapted for use in the classroom with older students.
To teach this activity you will need
- A class set of handheld mirrors
- Pencils
- A4 paper
- Bee images