Harmony in Education with Yoshiyuki Nagata

In this podcast, Richard speaks to Professor Yoshiyuki Nagata, Vice Director of the Sacred Heart Institute for Sustainable Futures (SHISF) in Tokyo.
Yoshiyuki was born in Japan and after graduating from Sofia University, he completed his masters at the school of International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo. Yoshiyuki then became a researcher at the National Institute for Educational Research (UNESCO’s Associated Centre), and after finishing a phd, became a member of the Monitoring and Evaluation Expert Group during the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from 2005 – 2014.
Yoshiyuki is the author of many books on ESD and alternative education, including ‘The Palgrave International Handbook of Alternative Education’, and ‘Educating for Sustainability in Japan’.
During the conversation, Yoshi shares his reflections on the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development – including its successes and some of the barriers to change. He also talks about the shift from Education for Sustainable Development to Learning for Sustainable Lifestyles and what this means for the future of education.