The Future of Education with George Lamb

Broadcaster George Lamb talks to us about the role education should play in connecting children with food growing
What does it take to transform a school’s community and bring food growing to the heart of teaching and learning? How do children respond to opportunities to grow their own food and to connect with the natural world? How could farmers be our partners in learning?
These are just some of the questions that TV and radio presenter George Lamb discussed when he met The Harmony Project director, Richard Dunne.
In the third episode of our podcast series, The Future of Education, George speaks about how a visit to a school, and the incredible energy he witnessed in the school community there, inspired him to help turn a 6-acre disused piece of land into a space where children can learn about food systems and where our food comes from. The community farm that developed on the site evolved into GROW, a project based in North London that works with schools and communities to deliver tailored learning about sustainable food growing and outdoor learning.
George Lamb is the co-founder of Wildfarmed and GROW. After spending the first half of his professional career working in the entertainment industry, George realised he wanted to use his position and influence to make a positive, meaningful and lasting impact on society. In 2018, this led him to found GROW, a life skills education programme that works in schools and communities to promote mental wellbeing, physical health and a more hands-on relationship with Nature. A year later, he co-founded Wildfarmed, a regenerative farming business that grows delicious, nutritious grain in a way that respects the natural systems that all plants and animals (including us) need to survive and thrive.