Autumn term enquiry overviews Years 1 to 6

Cross-curricular planning for Autumn term enquiries of learning
In this pack, you’ll find planning overviews for enquiries of learning (or cross-curricular ‘projects’) that can be taught in the Autumn term across KS1 and KS2. A summary of each of these enquiries is given below, along with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to each enquiry.
To download the pack, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Year 1 What kind of superhero do I want to be?
Linked to the Harmony principle of Diversity, this enquiry of learning encourages children to explore the ways in which our differences make us collectively stronger. They identify their own special talents and put these to good use on Superhero Day to help others in their school or wider community.
This enquiry relates to SDG 5 (Gender Equality)