How to embed sustainability themes in the primary curriculum

From energy and climate change to biodiversity, explore key sustainability themes through enquiry-led learning.
We are increasingly aware of the need to put sustainability and Nature at the heart of learning to ensure the future wellbeing of people and planet. The work of The Harmony Project does just that.
To help primary schools embed sustainability themes in their curricula, we have created a booklet (downloadable via the link at the bottom of the page), which charts the progression in expertise and skills from Reception to Year 6 across six key sustainability themes. These are: Energy & Climate Change, Biodiversity, Food & Farming, Cycles & Waste, Health & Wellbeing, and Adaptation for the future. For each theme, seven enquiries of learning explore in age-appropriate ways how we can learn to live more sustainably, so that our children and young people grow up with a clear understanding of what it means to live in harmony with each other and with the natural world.
Schools and other education settings looking to embed sustainability into teaching and learning are invited to use this booklet as a reference point for curriculum development.